The Desires of Christ

God our Savior who desires all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth

The Desires of Christ

God our Savior who desires all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth


As you read this, you should know that there is a reason for your existence, a reason for you being here. You are not just some random object held on this earth by gravity as it hurtles through space. God wants to have an eternal, personal, intimate relationship with every member of the human race regardless of race, nationality, gender, or social status and that includes you. God brought you into existence so you can have that relationship. You are here to have that relationship. This relationship He wants to have with you is only possible because of Jesus Christ. The purpose of this web site is to show that Jesus Christ desires for every member of the human race to have this eternal, personal, intimate relationship with God with the hope that you might decide that you would like to have this relationship with God for yourself.

This desire of Jesus Christ is expressed in the Bible in 1 Timothy chapter 2, verses 3 and 4:

This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. - 1 Timothy 2:3,4 ESV

God our Savior is Jesus Christ. He has two desires for every member of the human race: To be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth

The first of Christ’s desires, to be saved, is absolutely critical. It is the eternal part of a relationship with God. What does it mean to be saved? A simple way to think of being saved might be to ask yourself this question, “When I die, will I go to heaven?” The only people who will go to heaven when they die are those people who have been saved. The question that may come to you is, “How can someone be saved?” The most direct answer to that question can be found in in the Bible in Acts 16:31a:

They said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved." - Acts 16:31a
a crown of thorns and three nails
two hands hold a sigh reading hope

If you have never believed

If you have never believed in Jesus Christ, put your trust in Him as your Savior, these verses from the Bible are important for you:

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. - John 3:16
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us -Romans 5:8

God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth to die on the cross. When Jesus Christ hung on the cross, all of the sins of the entire human race were poured out upon Him and judged. No one was left out - you were not left out. All of the work that needs to be done so that you can meet Jesus Christ’s first desire for you, to be saved, was accomplished by Him. There’s no work left to be done. You can begin your eternal, personal, intimate relationship with God by one simple act of faith. As stated above, all that is now required of you to be saved is to accept His work by believing in Him.

In His Word, which is the content of the Bible, Jesus Christ expresses His desire for you to have an eternal relationship with God, He makes a personal appeal to you: Believe in Me

If you have already believed

If you have already believed in Jesus Christ, put your trust in Him as your Savior, then you have established your eternal relationship with God. You are now what the Bible calls “beloved.” This means that God loves you with an infinite amount of love and His capacity for that love never changes. Along with your eternal relationship, your so-great salvation, He has provided you with a whole structure of better things - things that belong to salvation:

Though we speak in this way, yet in your case, beloved, we feel sure of better things - things that belong to salvation. - Hebrews 6:9 ESV

There are many of these better things presented in the Bible. Click here to see just part of them. The whole reason God has provided these better things for you is so that after you are saved, you can have the personal, intimate relationship with Him that He so earnestly desires. He provides everything you need to appreciate Him, to return His love and to glorify Him. He desires to share His perfect happiness with you. He provides everything necessary for you to live a life of meaning and purpose; a life of day-by-day inner happiness, inner peace and inner blessing that expresses itself outwardly as love toward others.

While He was alive on this earth, Jesus Christ lived this wonderful life that included love for God, inner peace and happiness and love toward others. He was our role model. How can we live this same wonderful life?

The Apostle Paul gives us a clue in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 11:1:

And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ -1 Corinthians 11:1 NLT

How do we imitate Christ? Do we dress like Him, wear a robe and sandals? Do we wear our hair like Hollywood depicts His hair? Do we mimic the way we think He acted? Again, it’s the Apostle Paul who tells us how we imitate Christ in Philippians 2:5:

You should think in the same way Christ Jesus does. -Philippians 2:5 NIrV

To imitate Jesus Christ, we must be likeminded with Him; we must think His thoughts. In His Word, the content of the Bible, Jesus Christ expresses His desire for you to live this wonderful life; to have this intimate, personal relationship with God. He makes a personal appeal to you: Think Like Me.

The purpose of this web site is to present the Desires of Christ for the entire human race as expressed in 1 Timothy 2:3&4 - God our Savior who desires all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth ( Believe in Me - Think Like Me ) - with the hope that you might decide that you would like to have for yourself this eternal, personal, intimate relationship with God that He so earnestly would like to have with you.

a boy reading the bible with a lattern


Find Answers: Articles to Guide Your Way

The Desires of Christ

Explore what the Bible says about Jesus’ desires for humanity. Learn what Jesus desires for you and how to have a relationship with God.

Believe in Me

God earnestly wants to have an eternal, personal, intimate relationship with you. Jesus Christ's desire to provide this relationship for you is expressed in the Bible.       

Think Like Me

In this article, we are going to focus on the personal, intimate part of the relationship God wants to have with you. This is expressed in Jesus Christ's second desire for the entire human race.


The objective of the believer’s spiritual life is coming to the faith knowledge, i.e. epignosis, of the truth. But usable epignosis Bible doctrine accumulates gradually in increments. Truth builds upon truth.

The Shield of Faith

Feeling under attack? Discover how faith can be your shield, protecting you from the evil one according to Ephesians 6:10-17.  This article explores this spiritual armor of a believer.

Intimate Relationship with God

Intimate is the perfect word to describe the relationship God desires to have between Him and us.

Virtue Love

Love is the greatest virtue that a Christian can develop. This is stated in 1 Corinthians 13: "But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love."

What this website is not

It is not the intent of this website to go beyond the stated purpose above and to try to provide detailed, comprehensive teaching of the Word of God. That is the function of the local church. If you are looking for a church that can provide you with an in-depth teaching of the Word of God, see the Suggested Links to 'Pastor Teachers' in the section above and on the navigation bar.